2023: A Year of Change and GDC Showcase

Fallout loading sequence. Screen capture: FetchQuester

UPDATE JUNE 2023: I'm currently attending the GDC Showcase 2023 and looking forward to meeting fellow creatives - feel free to connect! (Thank you Pixelles for the opportunity!)

To all my readers, 

I am extremely thankful for the support you have shown me over the past year and a half in taking time to share in what has become my most meaningful project yet.

Currently I am investing my focus in the Pixelles Game Writing Program but will return in summer to continue the Fragments series along with some new dilemmas, my updated portfolio, and another addition to the website! In the meantime, please enjoy this episode of Let's Talk Assassin's Creed with James and Declan as we explore our thoughts on the Life is Strange series. Stay tuned!

- Lucy A.
